성인 영어, 이것만 외워!

영어 어려워? 이것만 외워 "Isn't it ~" 로 시작하는 문장 30개

결국엔 무조건 잘 돼요 2024. 9. 3. 10:33



1. Isn't it amazing how fast technology is advancing?
2. Isn't it your turn to do the dishes tonight?
3. Isn't it strange how quickly time flies?
4. Isn't it obvious that they need more help?
5. Isn't it exciting to think about the future?
6. Isn't it a little cold in here?
7. Isn't it surprising that she decided to move abroad?
8. Isn't it great that we finally finished the project?
9. Isn't it your responsibility to lock the door?
10. Isn't it normal to feel nervous before a big presentation?
11. Isn't it difficult to stay focused when you're tired?
12. Isn't it a shame that the concert was canceled?
13. Isn't it time to take a break?
14. Isn't it wonderful to see old friends again?
15. Isn't it risky to invest all your savings in one place?
16. Isn't it nice to relax after a long day?
17. Isn't it important to double-check your work?
18. Isn't it confusing to have so many options?
19. Isn't it strange that we haven't heard from him?
20. Isn't it likely that they will accept the offer?
21. Isn't it amazing how well she performed?
22. Isn't it about time we left for the airport?
23. Isn't it hard to believe that it's almost the end of the year?
24. Isn't it frustrating when things don’t go as planned?
25. Isn't it clear that we need a new strategy?
26. Isn't it fun to try new things?
27. Isn't it necessary to prepare in advance for the meeting?
28. Isn't it weird how some people prefer winter over summer?
29. Isn't it great that we can finally travel again?
30. Isn't it worth the effort to pursue your dreams?

해석이 어려우면 댓글로 물어봐 
영어 어디서부터 시작해야 될지 모르겠으면 단순하게 실용적인 문장들부터 외워
하루에 30개씩 1년만 해봐 너도 할 수 있어 

오늘부터 30문장 챌린지 시작! 
