Feelings Vocabulary: 20 Essential Words with Examples and Translations
This guide provides a list of 20 vocabulary words related to feelings, along with example sentences and their translations. These terms can help enhance emotional expression and understanding, beneficial for both English and Korean learners.
Happy (행복한)
Example: She felt happy when she received the good news.
Translation: 그녀는 좋은 소식을 들었을 때 행복했다.
Sad (슬픈)
Example: He felt sad after saying goodbye to his friend.
Translation: 그는 친구와 작별한 후 슬펐다.
Angry (화가 난)
Example: She was angry when she found out the truth.
Translation: 그녀는 진실을 알게 되었을 때 화가 났다.
Excited (신나는)
Example: They were excited to go on vacation.
Translation: 그들은 휴가 가는 것이 신났다.
Nervous (긴장한)
Example: He felt nervous before his big presentation.
Translation: 그는 큰 발표 전에 긴장했다.
Surprised (놀란)
Example: She was surprised by the unexpected gift.
Translation: 그녀는 예상치 못한 선물에 놀랐다.
Anxious (불안한)
Example: He felt anxious about the upcoming exam.
Translation: 그는 다가오는 시험에 대해 불안했다.
Confused (혼란스러운)
Example: I was confused by the complex instructions.
Translation: 나는 복잡한 설명서에 혼란스러웠다.
Bored (지루한)
Example: The movie was so boring that I fell asleep.
Translation: 영화가 너무 지루해서 나는 잠이 들었다.
Proud (자랑스러운)
Example: She felt proud of her accomplishments.
Translation: 그녀는 자신의 성과에 자랑스러웠다.
Disappointed (실망한)
Example: He was disappointed with the results of the game.
Translation: 그는 경기 결과에 실망했다.
Relieved (안도한)
Example: I felt relieved when I finished my homework.
Translation: 나는 숙제를 끝냈을 때 안도했다.
Jealous (질투하는)
Example: She felt jealous when she saw her friend with a new car.
Translation: 그녀는 친구가 새 차를 탄 것을 보고 질투가 났다.
Lonely (외로운)
Example: He felt lonely after moving to a new city.
Translation: 그는 새로운 도시로 이사한 후 외로웠다.
Hopeful (희망적인)
Example: They are hopeful about the future.
Translation: 그들은 미래에 대해 희망적이다.
Grateful (감사하는)
Example: I am grateful for my supportive family.
Translation: 나는 나를 지지해주는 가족에게 감사한다.
Fearful (두려운)
Example: She felt fearful during the thunderstorm.
Translation: 그녀는 천둥번개가 칠 때 두려움을 느꼈다.
Content (만족한)
Example: He felt content after finishing his project.
Translation: 그는 프로젝트를 끝낸 후 만족했다.
Ashamed (부끄러운)
Example: She was ashamed of her mistakes.
Translation: 그녀는 자신의 실수에 부끄러웠다.
Curious (호기심 많은)
Example: The child was curious about the world around him.
Translation: 그 아이는 주변 세계에 대해 호기심이 많았다.