성인 영어, 이것만 외워!

영어 어려워? 이것만 외워 "She wasn't" 로 시작하는 문장 30개

결국엔 무조건 잘 돼요 2024. 9. 6. 10:45




1. She wasn't ready for the big test.
2. She wasn't happy with the results of her exam.
3. She wasn't interested in attending the event.
4. She wasn't sure if she wanted to go out tonight.
5. She wasn't expecting to see him at the party.
6. She wasn't feeling well this morning.
7. She wasn't able to finish her assignment on time.
8. She wasn't aware of the changes in the schedule.
9. She wasn't paying attention during the meeting.
10. She wasn't prepared for the presentation.
11. She wasn't satisfied with her meal at the restaurant.
12. She wasn't excited about the new project.
13. She wasn't familiar with the topic they were discussing.
14. She wasn't comfortable speaking in front of a large crowd.
15. She wasn't confident about her decision.
16. She wasn't invited to the gathering last night.
17. She wasn't looking forward to the long trip.
18. She wasn't impressed by the movie's storyline.
19. She wasn't able to attend the meeting due to illness.
20. She wasn't involved in the planning of the event.
21. She wasn't convinced by the argument he made.
22. She wasn't paying attention to the instructions.
23. She wasn't motivated to start her work that day.
24. She wasn't dressed for the formal occasion.
25. She wasn't willing to take the risk.
26. She wasn't the type to give up easily.
27. She wasn't sure what to say in the interview.
28. She wasn't upset about the news, surprisingly.
29. She wasn't planning to stay out late.
30. She wasn't the person they were looking for.



해석이 어려우면 댓글로 물어봐 
영어 어디서부터 시작해야 될지 모르겠으면 단순하게 실용적인 문장들부터 외워
하루에 30개씩 1년만 해봐 너도 할 수 있어 

오늘부터 30문장 챌린지 시작! 
