성인 영어, 이것만 외워!

영어 어려워? 이것만 외워 "Wasn't she~" 로 시작하는 문장 30개

결국엔 무조건 잘 돼요 2024. 9. 6. 11:15



1. Wasn't she supposed to call you back yesterday?
2. Wasn't she at the meeting earlier this morning?
3. Wasn't she the one who suggested the new plan?
4. Wasn't she planning to go on vacation this week?
5. Wasn't she responsible for organizing the event?
6. Wasn't she excited about the job offer she got?
7. Wasn't she in charge of the marketing campaign?
8. Wasn't she supposed to bring the documents today?
9. Wasn't she happy with the final project results?
10. Wasn't she the person you were talking about earlier?
11. Wasn't she a bit late for the meeting this morning?
12. Wasn't she feeling sick when you last spoke to her?
13. Wasn't she supposed to finish the report by now?
14. Wasn't she involved in the planning of the event?
15. Wasn't she the one who recommended that restaurant?
16. Wasn't she nervous about the big presentation?
17. Wasn't she in a hurry to leave the office yesterday?
18. Wasn't she the best candidate for the promotion?
19. Wasn't she aware of the policy changes?
20. Wasn't she supposed to meet with the client today?
21. Wasn't she concerned about the budget cuts?
22. Wasn't she expecting a package to arrive today?
23. Wasn't she working overtime last week?
24. Wasn't she happy with how the interview went?
25. Wasn't she studying for the exam all night?
26. Wasn't she scheduled to present at the conference?
27. Wasn't she surprised by the news you told her?
28. Wasn't she going to join us for dinner tonight?
29. Wasn't she the one who mentioned the deadline?
30. Wasn't she excited about moving to a new city?
해석이 어려우면 댓글로 물어봐 
영어 어디서부터 시작해야 될지 모르겠으면 단순하게 실용적인 문장들부터 외워
하루에 30개씩 1년만 해봐 너도 할 수 있어 

오늘부터 30문장 챌린지 시작! 
