
2024/10/06 15

영어 회화) Funerals에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화

영어 회화) Funerals에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화 1. Sharing Memories of the Deceased Person A: "I still can’t believe he’s gone. It feels surreal." Person B: "I know. He was such a vibrant person. Do you remember that time he organized that surprise party for us?" Person A: "Yes! It was unforgettable. He put so much effort into it, and we all had such a great time." Person B: "He really knew how to bring people ..

영어 회화) Weddings에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화

영어 회화) Weddings에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화 1. Complimenting the Couple Person A: "Wow, the bride looks stunning! That dress is gorgeous." Person B: "I know! She picked the perfect style for her. The color suits her beautifully." Person A: "And the groom looks sharp too! I love his tie." Person B: "Yes! They make such a lovely couple. Have you seen them dance yet?" Person A: "Not yet, but I hear they have a..

영어 회화) Parties에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화

영어 회화) Parties에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화 1. Introducing New Friends Person A: "Hey, I don’t think we’ve met! I’m Alex." Person B: "Nice to meet you, Alex! I’m Jamie. How do you know the host?" Person A: "We went to college together. We were roommates for a year." Person B: "That’s awesome! What did you study?" Person A: "I majored in psychology. How about you?" Person B: "I studied graphic design. I actua..

영어 회화) Friend’s houses에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화

영어 회화) Friend’s houses에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화 1. Catching Up After a Long Time Friend A: "Wow, it’s been ages since we hung out! How have you been?" Friend B: "I know, right? Life has been super busy with work and everything." Friend A: "Same here! I feel like I never get a break. How's your new job treating you?" Friend B: "It’s going well! I’m learning a lot, but sometimes it feels overwhelming." Fri..

영어 회화) Family gatherings에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화

영어 회화) Family gatherings에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화 1. Catching Up on Life Events Family Member A: "Hey! It's been ages since we last saw each other. How have you been?" Family Member B: "I know, right? I've been doing well! Just got promoted at work, so that's exciting." Family Member A: "Wow, congratulations! What’s your new position?" Family Member B: "I'm now a team leader in my department. It's a lot ..

영어 회화) Networking events 에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화

영어 회화) Networking events 에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화 1. Introducing Each Other Attendee A: "Hi there! I’m Alex, nice to meet you!" Attendee B: "Hi Alex! I’m Jamie. What brings you to this event?" Attendee A: "I’m here to expand my network and learn about the latest trends in marketing. How about you?" Attendee B: "Same here! I work in digital marketing and am always looking for new strategies to implement...

영어 회화) Conferences에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화

영어 회화) Conferences에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화 1. Networking and Introductions Attendee A: "Hi there! I’m Sarah. What brings you to this conference?" Attendee B: "Hi, Sarah! I’m John. I’m here to learn about the latest trends in digital marketing. How about you?" Attendee A: "I’m here for the same reason! I’m particularly interested in social media strategies." Attendee B: "That’s great! I read a lot about ..

영어 회화) Theaters에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화

영어 회화) Theaters에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화 1. Discussing the Upcoming Play Audience Member A: "I can't wait for the play to start! Have you read the reviews?" Audience Member B: "Yes! They’ve been really positive. Apparently, the acting is phenomenal." Audience Member A: "That’s great to hear! I’m particularly excited to see how they portray the main character." Audience Member B: "Me too! The lead actor h..

영어 회화) Sports stadiums에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화

영어 회화) Sports stadiums에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화 1. Discussing the Game's Strategy Fan A: "Did you see the last play? That was a risky move by the coach!" Fan B: "I know! I thought they were going to play it safe. It really paid off, though." Fan A: "Definitely! It seems like the team is trying to surprise their opponents. Do you think it’s part of a bigger strategy?" Fan B: "Absolutely! They’ve been prac..

영어 회화) Concert venues에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화

영어 회화) Concert venues에서 이루어 질 수 있는 대화 1. Discussing Favorite Artists Visitor A: "I can't believe we're finally at this concert! Who are you most excited to see?" Visitor B: "I'm really looking forward to the opening act! I've been a fan of them for years. How about you?" Visitor A: "For me, it’s definitely the headliner. Their last album was amazing, and I can't wait to hear them perform live." ..
