
성인 영어, 이것만 외워! 267

음식 배달을 시킬 때 사용할 수 있는 영어 대화 패턴 10가지

1. 전화로 주문하기 대화 예시: A: Hello, I’d like to order some food for delivery. B: Sure! What would you like to order? A: I’d like a large pepperoni pizza and a Caesar salad, please. B: Would you like anything to drink? A: Yes, a bottle of sparkling water, please. B: Great! Can I have your address and phone number? A: Sure, it’s 123 Maple Street, and my phone number is 555-1234. B: Thank you! Your order ..

핵심 비즈니스 어휘 100개 (51-100)

핵심 비즈니스 어휘 100개 (51-100) Here’s a list of 50 essential business English vocabulary words along with example sentences and their meanings in Korean: Acquisition Example: "The company completed a major acquisition last year." Meaning: 인수, 특정 자산 또는 회사를 사들이는 것. Benchmarking Example: "Benchmarking helps us improve our processes." Meaning: 다른 회사와 비교하여 성과를 평가하는 과정. Branding Example: "Effective branding..

핵심 비즈니스 어휘 100개 (1-50)

핵심 비즈니스 어휘 100개 (1-50) Here’s a list of 50 essential business English vocabulary words with example sentences and their meanings in Korean to enhance understanding in business contexts: Agenda Example: "We need to review the agenda before the meeting starts." Meaning: 회의에서 논의할 목록. Approval Example: "The proposal needs managerial approval." Meaning: 승인 또는 허가. Asset Example: "Property is a valuabl..

비즈니스 영어 회화를 잘하기 위해 중요한 몇 가지 전략

To improve business English conversation skills, focus on a few key strategies: 비즈니스 영어 회화를 잘하기 위해 중요한 몇 가지 전략을 정리하고 해석한 내용입니다. 1. Master Core Business Vocabulary Familiarize yourself with key terms and phrases relevant to your industry and commonly used expressions in business English, such as "bottom line," "reach out," and "win-win solution." This can help you follow and contribute to convers..

회사에서 유용하게 사용할 수 있는 다양한 영어 대화 패턴

1. 회의 시작 및 개요 설명하기 영어: "Good morning, everyone. Thank you all for joining today’s meeting. Before we dive into our main topics, let’s quickly go over the agenda to make sure we’re all on the same page. Today, we’ll cover the project status updates, address some of the recent challenges, and finally, we’ll discuss any additional tasks for the coming weeks. If anyone has anything to add or questio..

아이에게 칭찬할 때 사용하는 영어 대화 패턴

아이에게 칭찬할 때 사용하는 영어 대화 패턴 1. “You did such a great job on your homework! I can see how much effort you put into it, and I’m really proud of you for staying focused and working hard. Keep it up!” 해석: 숙제를 정말 잘했어! 네가 얼마나 많은 노력을 했는지 보여. 집중하고 열심히 한 네가 정말 자랑스러워. 계속 이렇게 해봐! 2. “I’m so impressed with how you helped your little brother today. It shows a lot of maturity and kindness. You’re becoming such a..

아이에게 주의를 줄 때 사용할 수 있는 영어 대화 패턴 20가지

1. Please don’t run in the house. 해석: 집에서 뛰지 말아줘. 2. Be careful, you might get hurt. 해석: 조심해, 다칠 수도 있어. 3. You need to listen to what I’m saying. 해석: 내가 하는 말을 들어야 해. 4. That’s not safe, please stop. 해석: 그건 안전하지 않으니 멈춰줘. 5. Remember to share with your friends. 해석: 친구들과 나누는 것을 잊지 마. 6. Let’s use our inside voices, okay? 해석: 실내에서는 작은 목소리로 이야기하자, 알겠니? 7. It’s not okay to hit. We use our words, not o..

체육시간에 이루어질 수 있는 영어 대화 패턴 10가지

10 commom PE class dialogue patterns 1. 안부 묻기 A: "Hey, how are you feeling today? Did you have a good weekend?" B: "I’m feeling great, thanks! My weekend was pretty relaxing. I went hiking with my family. How about you?" A: "That sounds fun! I mostly stayed home and caught up on some reading. I’m really excited for gym class today. I hope we get to play soccer!" B: "Me too! I love soccer. I thin..

미술시간에 이루어질 수 있는 영어 대화 패턴 10가지

10 commom art class dialogue patterns Here are ten conversation patterns that could occur during an art class, complete with translations into Korean for better understanding: 1. Introducing a New Art Technique Teacher: "Today, we will learn about watercolors. Who has used watercolors before?" Student: "I have! They are fun because you can blend colors easily." Teacher: "That’s right! What do yo..

음악시간에 이루어질 수 있는 영어 대화 패턴 10가지

10 commom music class dialogue patterns Here are ten conversation patterns that could occur during a music class, complete with translations into Korean for better understanding: 1. Introducing a New Instrument Teacher: "Today, we are going to learn about the guitar. Can anyone tell me what a guitar is?" Student: "A guitar is a string instrument that you play by strumming or plucking the strings..
