
전체 글 966

태권도 하면서 할 수 있는 일상적인 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. 훈련 전 준비 및 오늘의 목표 설정 영어 대화: Practitioner 1: Are you ready for today’s training? Practitioner 2: Yeah, I’m pumped up! I’ve been working on my kicks lately, so I’m planning to focus on that today. How about you? Practitioner 1: I’m going to work on my forms. My last practice wasn’t great, so I really want to perfect them today. Practitioner 2: Good idea! I think I need to work on my balance duri..

수영하면서 할 수 있는 일상적인 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. 수영 준비 및 상태 확인 대화 영어 대화: Swimmer 1: Are you ready to swim today? Swimmer 2: Yeah, I’m feeling good. I took a rest day yesterday, so I’m ready to go. How about you? Swimmer 1: Same here. I’ve been looking forward to it. I want to improve my freestyle technique today. Swimmer 2: That sounds like a good plan. My backstroke could use some work, though. I’ve been feeling a bit off with my technique..

골프 치면서 할 수 있는 일상적인 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. 게임 시작 전 준비 대화 영어 대화: Player 1: Are you ready to tee off? Player 2: Yeah, just need to check my clubs one last time. I don’t want to make a mistake right at the start. Player 1: Good idea. I always check my clubs too, especially the driver. Player 2: Yeah, the driver is crucial. I think I’ll go with the 3-wood for the first shot. Player 1: That’s a safe choice. I usually start with the driver ..

배드민턴 치면서 할 수 있는 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. 게임 시작 전 준비 대화 영어 대화: Player 1: Are you ready to play a match? Player 2: Almost! Let me check my racket and stretch a bit. Player 1: Good idea. Stretching is important to avoid injuries. Player 2: Do you want to warm up with some easy rallies first? Player 1: Sure, let’s just hit back and forth for a few minutes. Player 2: Okay, let’s see if I can keep up with your smashes today! 해석: 플레이어 1: 게..

좋아하는 연예인에 대한 일상적인 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. 좋아하는 연예인 소개하기 영어 대화: Parent: Who is your favorite celebrity these days? Child: I really like Taylor Swift. She’s so talented. Parent: Oh, what do you like the most about her? Child: I love her songs. The lyrics are so meaningful, and her voice is amazing. Parent: That’s nice. What’s your favorite song by her? Child: "Love Story"! It’s so romantic and catchy. Parent: I’ve heard that one. Do yo..

아이와 할 수 있는 일상적인 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. 아침 준비 대화 영어 대화: Parent: Good morning! Did you sleep well? Child: Good morning! Yes, I did. I had a funny dream. Parent: Really? What was your dream about? Child: I was flying on a giant bird over a candy land. Parent: Wow, that sounds amazing! What did the candy land look like? Child: There were chocolate rivers and marshmallow trees. Parent: That’s so creative. Now, let’s get ready for schoo..

TV를 보면서 할 수 있는 일상적인 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. TV 프로그램 추천 및 감상 대화 영어 대화: A: Hey, Lisa, have you seen this show before? It’s called Mystery Uncovered. B: No, I haven’t. What’s it about? A: It’s a crime drama where detectives solve cold cases. The storytelling is really gripping. B: That sounds interesting. Is it based on true events? A: Some episodes are inspired by real cases, but most of it is fictional. You should start from season one...

전화 통화에서 사용할 수 있는 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. 친구와 근황 묻기 대화 영어 대화: A: Hi, Sarah! It’s been such a long time. How have you been? B: Hi, Mark! I know, it’s been ages. I’ve been doing well, just busy with work. How about you? A: I’m good too. Work has been keeping me occupied as well. What kind of projects are you working on these days? B: I’m currently involved in a marketing campaign for a new product launch. It’s exciting but also stressf..

티스토리 블로그 수익 구조 완벽 가이드: RPM, CTR, 노출수, 클릭수 이해하기

티스토리 블로그에서 수익을 창출하려면 애드센스의 주요 지표를 이해하고, 이를 기반으로 SEO 전략을 수립하는 것이 중요합니다. 아래는 이러한 지표와 수익 구조에 대한 설명입니다: 1. 주요 지표 설명 페이지뷰(Page View): 블로그의 특정 페이지가 조회된 횟수를 나타냅니다. 페이지뷰 수는 블로그의 트래픽을 평가하는 기본 지표입니다. 노출수(Impressions): 블로그에 게재된 광고가 사용자에게 보여진 총 횟수를 의미합니다. 한 페이지에 여러 개의 광고가 있을 경우, 각 광고의 노출이 합산됩니다. 클릭수(Clicks): 사용자가 광고를 클릭한 횟수를 나타냅니다. 클릭수가 많을수록 광고 수익이 증가합니다. CTR(Click-Through Rate): 광고 노출 대비 클릭률을 나타내며, 광고가 100..

초등학생들이 사용할 수 있는 회화 패턴 50개 - 5

1-10. 일상적인 대화와 반응 Can I join you? – 같이 해도 돼? Are you okay? – 괜찮아? I’m back! – 나 돌아왔어! What do you want to do? – 뭐 하고 싶어? Can you wait a minute? – 잠깐 기다려줄래? That’s good to know. – 그거 좋은 정보네. Anything else? – 다른 거 더 있어? I’m so excited! – 진짜 신나! That’s fine with me. – 난 괜찮아. Can you guess? – 맞춰볼래? 11-20. 요청과 부탁 Could you help me with this? – 이거 도와줄 수 있어? Can you hand me that? – 그거 좀 건네줄래? Please be..
