
전체 글 966

사진 찍을 때 쓰는 일상적인 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. Setting Up for a Photo Shoot English: A: "Let’s take a picture here! The lighting looks perfect." B: "You’re right. It’s so bright. But we should be careful not to face directly into the sun." A: "Good point. I’ll stand slightly to the left to avoid the sun. Can you take the photo from that angle?" B: "Sure, I think this angle will work well. Do you want me to zoom in a little?" A: "Yes, plea..

요리할 때 쓰는 일상적인 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. Making Plans for Cooking Together English: A: "What do you want to cook today?" B: "How about making pasta? We have all the ingredients, and it’ll be quick." A: "Sounds good! Do you want to make the sauce, or should I?" B: "I can handle the sauce, but can you boil the water for the pasta?" A: "Sure! I'll start boiling the water. Do you want to add anything special to the sauce?" B: "Let's add..

사과할 때 쓸 수 있는 일상적인 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. 약속을 지키지 못한 경우 사과하기 (Apologizing for Missing an Appointment) 영어 대화: Person 1: Hey, I was expecting you at 2 PM. You’re a bit late. Person 2: Oh, I am so sorry! I completely lost track of time. I didn’t mean to keep you waiting. Person 1: It’s okay, but I was worried. You said you’d be here by 2. Person 2: I know, and I feel awful about it. There was some traffic, and I couldn’t find parking ei..

술자리에서 이루어질 수 있는 일상적인 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. 술을 추천하고 주문하는 대화 (Recommending and Ordering Drinks) 영어 대화: Person 1: What should we drink tonight? I’m in the mood for something light. Person 2: How about a glass of white wine? It’s light and refreshing. Person 1: That sounds good. What kind of white wine do you recommend? Person 2: I’d recommend a Sauvignon Blanc. It’s fruity and crisp. Person 1: Perfect! I’ll have a glass of that. What abo..

택시에서 이루어질 수 있는 일상적인 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. 택시 탑승 후 목적지 설명 (Explaining the Destination) 영어 대화: Passenger: Hi, could you take me to the airport, please? Taxi Driver: Sure, which terminal are you flying from? Passenger: I’m flying from Terminal 2. Could you take the fastest route? Taxi Driver: No problem. I’ll avoid the main highway and take the back roads to avoid traffic. It should take about 30 minutes. Passenger: That sounds perfect,..

기내에서 이루어질 수 있는 일상적인 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. 비행기 탑승 후 좌석에 관한 대화 (Seat Issue Discussion) 영어 대화: Passenger: Excuse me, I think I’m sitting in the wrong seat. My ticket says seat 12A, but this looks like 12B. Flight Attendant: Oh, let me check. Yes, it seems you're in the wrong seat. The seat you’re looking for is actually on the other side of the aisle. I can help you move if you’d like. Passenger: Oh, I didn’t realize. Thank you for help..

호텔 리셉션에서의 일상적인 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. 체크인 (Check-in) 영어 대화: Guest: Good afternoon, I’d like to check in, please. Receptionist: Good afternoon! Could I have your name, please? Guest: Sure, it’s John Smith. Receptionist: Thank you, Mr. Smith. I see your reservation here. May I have your ID and a credit card for incidentals? Guest: Here’s my ID and credit card. Receptionist: Thank you. I’ve checked in your details. You’ve booked a s..

보험과 관련된 일상적인 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. 보험 가입 상담 영어 대화: Person 1: Hello, I’d like to inquire about getting car insurance. Can you help me with that? Insurance Agent: Of course, I can assist you. What kind of coverage are you looking for? Person 1: I’m looking for basic liability coverage, but I also want to add collision and comprehensive coverage. Insurance Agent: Great choice. Basic liability covers damages to other vehicles or p..

교통사고와 관련된 일상적인 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. 교통사고 발생 후 첫 번째 반응 영어 대화: Person 1: Oh no, are you okay? That was quite a crash! Person 2: I’m okay, but my car is damaged. Are you alright? Person 1: I’m fine, just a little shaken up. I didn’t see you coming around the corner. Person 2: I should’ve slowed down more. My brakes weren’t responding well. Person 1: I think we need to call the police and report this. Person 2: Yeah, that’s a good ..

식료품 쇼핑하면서 할 수 있는 일상적인 영어 대화 패턴 5가지

1. 쇼핑 리스트 만들기 및 계획 세우기 영어 대화: Person 1: What do we need to buy today? Person 2: Well, I know we’re low on milk, eggs, and bread. We also need some fruits and vegetables for the week. Person 1: Okay, let’s start with the basics. I’ll grab the milk, eggs, and bread. Can you pick up some apples and bananas? Person 2: Sure! I’ll also get some spinach and carrots. We’re almost out of those. Person 1:..
